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Wallpaper is the image that fills the background of the phone's idle screen, the phone has 2 default wallpaper, but you can use your own customized wallpaper. This guide tells us how to change it on the phone.
Step 1. Prepare the customized wallpaper
The following table lists the wallpaper image format and resolution for each phone model.
Step 2. Upload the wallpaper file to the phone
Press OK or press Menu > Status to view the phone’s IP address. Then enter the IP address to log in to the WEB page. The default login username password is admin/admin.
Go to Administration > Management > Screen Logo File Upload, then click on Choose File to choose the desired wallpaper file, and click on Upload.
After that, the following page displays, click on Click here to GoBack.
Step 3. Change the wallpaper on the phone’s LCD screen
On the phone’s LCD screen, navigate to Menu > Basic > Display > Wallpaper, and press the arrow button to switch the wallpaper you like. After that, you will see the selected wallpaper display on the phone’s idle screen.