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How to configure SIP accounts via SNMP remotely?
Dec 11, 2020
1.The node under the flyingvoice folder is the node of our device.
Configure SIP accounts via SNMP remotely
Select node account, you can configure the SIP account through SNMP remotely.
(1)Line Enable1 Enable,0 Disable,click save button in the top left.
(2)Configure proxy server
(3)Configure SIP accounts
After finish those setings,you can see the print information on the right as below.
Note: Some nodes value can not be changed. For example, the hardware and software overview node of this device can not be changed,the back of any set means that the node is read-only indicating that the set is not available.
2.Login device web GUI to check whether the parameter value is modified successfully.
You can see that Line 2 Status is registered.